Dashboard Stats

The dashboard stats endpoint allows you to get the stats of total departure, on time departures, delayed departures, average turn time, total arrivals early/late/on time, average arrival turn time, and the amount of time there has been an aircraft present at all gates for a station.


POST Dashboard Stats

POST /v2/dashboard/stats HTTP/1.1
Host: api.synaptic.com
Authorization : Bearer YOUR_JWT_TOKEN
Content-Type: application/json

    "location": "LAX", // The airport code of the location you want to get the stats for
    "start_date": "2021-08-10T14:00:00Z",
    "end_date": "2021-08-10T14:00:00Z"
    "TotalDepartures": 100,
    "OnTimeDepartures": 80,
    "DelayedDepartures": 20,
    "PercentageOnTimeDepartures": 80, // percentage of on time departures
    "AverageTurnTime": 30, // in minutes
    "TotalArrivalsEarly": 20,
    "TotalArrivalsLate": 20,
    "TotalArrivalsOnTime": 60,
    "AverageArrivalTurnTime": 30, // in minutes
    "GateUtilizationPercentage": 100 // percentage of time aircraft has been present at all gates